Origami Tessellations

What kind of art is this?
Tessellations, meaning repeating geometric shapes, are the new trend in the origami world.

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About DG Origami

Hey! My name is Dave Gillis, origami tessellation artist and fanatic I learned to fold from when I was in eighth grade detention for a prank (or two) that I got caught in. The detention proctor was a substitute art teacher and told me I couldn't leave till I learned how to fold some origami pieces. Because I fidget alot with my hands, this seemed like the perfect match for me to do something with my hands. After an hour of instruction, I learned how to make a crake, box, cube, and Samurai hats. After several decades, my origami skills have spilled over into folding Tessellations and Modulars. Having the ability to transform paper into repeating shapes and designs have taken my folding to new artistic levels. I hope you enjoy these models as mush as I had folding them. Cheers!

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